Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Ted Kennedy killed a woman...

...and it's worse than just that stark statement because, in his drunken self-absorption, he ran off on her in her last desperate moments of need...leaving her abandoned and dead almost half a day while his drunkeness passed and his self-absorption heightened and was abetted....

I can think of no reason to listen to such a man on any matter of consequence.

Forgive...never forget.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Kerry, the Democrats and the mainstream media...

...keep telling us things in Iraq are bad. They then insult the interim Prime Minister so that they may maintain their view. But they won't go near an Iraqi man on the street or attempt to consider what Iraq was like before Saddam was deposed.

Do they want to return the Iraqi people to those times? It is hard to believe not. Kerry, the Democrats and the mainstream media whine endlessly about the need for the French, Germans and U.N. in Iraq, while ignoring that the French Germans and U.N. (including Annan's son) were profiteering wildly in Iraq while the mass graves filled. Enron and Tyco are cause celeb, while old school colonialist looting by old Europe and it's progeny as they condone, equip and foster the atrocities of one of the great butchers of the twentieth century brings not a comment. Shame on all of them!!

Kerry, the Democrats and the mainstream media...

...keep telling us things in Iraq are bad. They then insult the interim Prime Minister so that they may maintain their view. But they won't go near an Iraqi man on the street or attempt to consider what Iraq was like before Saddam was deposed.

Do they want to return the Iraqi people to those times? It is hard to believe not. Kerry, the Democrats and the mainstream media whine endlessly about the need for the French, Germans and U.N. in Iraq, while ignoring that the French Germans and U.N. (including Annan's son) were profiteering wildly in Iraq while the mass graves filled. Enron and Tyco are cause celeb, while old school colonialist looting by old Europe and it's progeny as they condone, equip and foster the atrocities of one of the great butchers of the twentieth century brings not a comment. Shame on all of them!!

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Today's Wisdom on my Dalai Lama day-by-day calendar

"All the great religions deserve respect and, if practiced seriously, are paths to love and peace."

Sure...let the U.N. handle it

All will be peace, love and harmony (with "announcements of social events")...NOT!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Thought pieces for the day...and after

Consider this about Lt. Kerry and this about the War on Terror.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Early returns: Kerry 3, Bush 0

Alan Greenspan's third vote for John Kerry took place yesterday. I've not yet been able to get someone to explain to me the reason the Fed keeps tightening when the core rate of inflation, after adjusting for the unnatural price energy brought on by the Iraq War and the political unrest in Venezuala, is solidly deflationary.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

An analysis of Dan fRAudTHER's admission, at last, that he promoted forgeries. Be proud Texas of your native son....

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Questions for Dan fRAudTHER.
First whiff of wood fires this morning in the light chill of the morning....

Friday, September 17, 2004

The C-BS/fRAudTHER problems are greater even than this, but it is a decent core list.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Twistin' in the wind ain't pretty II

C-BS by Ann Coulter.
Clearer every day: Dan Rather = Richard Nixon.

...except I'm not sure that Nixon expolited the elderly and the dead for his purposes.

What did Dan fRAudTHER know and when did he know it?

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Twistin' in the wind ain't pretty

Let's see...CBS and Dan FRaudther put out bad documents against, or willfully ignoring, the advice of their "experts" and after scant and dubious fact checking, they get caught and laid out for the Nixonic dirtbags they are, they continue to deny and delay and demand that they be believed without question...and they're snivelin' and snappin' that it's George Bush's fault!!

Hoist upon their own petard, they haven't the dignity or grace to call it a day...instead, they rattle and whine like the Black Knight in "Monty Python's & the Holy Grail ". May God bless 'em and may God save the rest of us from them.

What did Dan FRaudther know and when did he know it?

Sunday, September 12, 2004

If you long for the days of Klintoon's Amerika...

and you like to base your life's decisions on forged documents, whatever you do, DON'T click that link.

What did Dan Rather know and when did he know it?

Saturday, September 11, 2004

"Is it time to move on?" II

Perhaps the editors need to contemplate...19,915. 9,429. 10,486....

Friday, September 10, 2004

"To top it all off, America's Muslims — whose freedom to craft and convey an opposition to the terrorist cancer is protected by the very people those terrorists seek to destroy, sit silent — stone cold silent."


My local newspaper asks in big headline today...

...9/11: Is it time to move on?

My reply: Have they given up on trying to kill us?

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Apocalyptic Andecdote of the Month

Two nights ago. Western CT. Interstate 84 East.

Mindin' my own business in the left lane in late rush hour traffic, headin' home, at not quite 80. Right lane's full of trucks and trailers. Look in the rearview and here comes a Toyota Prius...fast, has to be doin' 90. Drives right up my tail so's I can't see it's hood. I'm still doin' almost 80. Space opens to my right, I pull over, the Prius blows by...I'm still at about 80.

Vermont plates. John Kerry bumper sticker. Gets off at the very next exit into an expensive residential area.

Gets me to wonderin' about: a.) mileage of a gas/electric hybrid at that speed; and b.) crashworthiness of such a car at such a speed.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


John Kerry is a prep school boor. ..and, as Dick Cheney is being punished (the penalty for speaking truth in D.C.) for pointing out, we are flat-f'd if he is elected.

"Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm -- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves." - T.S. Eliot, 1950.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day was fun once...

...then Ginny died. Jordan hasn't been out all day.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

True Story

Lunch with a buddy at a very good Indian restaurant.

Buddy: Why won't you vote for John Kerry.

Me: Had enough of prep school blowhards back between '67 and '71.

Buddy: But...George Bush went to Exeter or Andover or one of those places.

Me: That takes care of the prep school part....

Buddy: [Silence]