W. Mark Felt is a Rat. Big Media says "Praise the Rat...
...and Pass the Cheese." (to quote a friend). There is absolutely nothing heroic about what he did. He was a very small man (little moral character and fortitude) in a very big job (#2 @ FBI) and, like the back alley apparatchik he was/is, he went to back alleys (and garages) to work his nefarity for his purposes...which purposes he is about now. He comes out under cover of being a sick, old man to feed his two purposes; his vanity (smiling and waving at the door, Big Media fawning, etc.) and the money (from Vanity Fair and whatever publisher signs up for his book - from NYT online: "I'll arrange to write a book or something, and collect all the money I can."), which were always "Deep Throat"'s objective ("Take out Nixon, I'll be FBI Director.").
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