Sunday, February 25, 2007

From "A World without America"... The Belmont Club:

'The point to be made, and made with no levity, is that "they" are coming after us with every resource "they" can muster.'

Currently, "we", as Wobbly Guy notes, remain in our level of comfort; at least a large enough percentage to render us barely more than inert. "They" are counting on this. It's the old "how do you boil a frog" puzzle. What a large portion of "we" do not understand is that "we" are the frog. The reason: the level of comfort and the failure of a large part of "we" to understand that when "they" take over the level of comfort disappears; look around the World, everywhere "they" are in control, only the "few" are comfortable (NK being the most obvious example; France is not much different), which is pretty odd since "they" preach "they" are for the "common good", which "they" have yet to deliver anywhere...and Heaven help you for noting "their" failures(s), which, in the case of the jihadis and the Marxists, "we" do just by virtue of "our" existence. "They" must remove us ("we") from the face of the Earth. The problem is that "they" will remove the level of comfort the large portion of "we" sleep (Yamamoto allusion intentional) in and there will be Hell to pay.

Yamamoto worried about a terrible resolve and bin Hidin' and the genocidal-maniac Egyptian dwarf M.D. are correct in their estimation that the large portion of "we" could never get close to a terrible resolve as a result of a spiritual/emotional flabbiness borne of the level of comfort over here in "we"-ville. The mistake of bin Hidin' and the genocidal doctor and the rest of "they" is that "they" have no clue as to what replaces the lost "terrible resolve". "They" are betting a vacuum is created into which conversion or dhimmitude (whether to Islam or Marx; that question is not yet answered) will flow.

What "we" (the resolved part;we are small in number, but sufficient given our edge in tech) know is that "we" (the large part) are awfully immature and very unstable and if you confront them with a stark choice between iPod-life or conversion/dhimmitude a.) they'll fight for iPod-life; which means b.) they'll get out of the way of those of us "we" with the resolve already in place; and (worst of all for "they") they (as in the large portion of "we") will learn the terrible resolve and what to do with it.

2/25/2007 09:43:00 AM


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