Monday, June 27, 2005
...we must air-condition them, provide them government supported religion and feed them honey-roasted chicken...all the while never being much more discourteous than a tea party. The Democrats, party of the feminists, protectors of the rapist Prez, certainly must endorse this....
Friday, June 24, 2005
Democrats' favorite Justices say Government can steal...
...your property for whomever it may favor...and the Democrats want more such mush-brained, unprincipled Justices. They also prefer the "wisdom" of the practices of Bill Clinton and Orrin Hatch to the Founding Fathers (found in Federalist No. 66) unsurprising.
Boo-hoo-hooo! Something other than socialist tripe on PBS...
...and the "enlightened" can't handle it.
Wonder why? "The answer to the paradox -- why do PBS partisans who regard themselves as apostles of tolerance and enlightenment resort so easily to intimidation and infantile exertion of will? -- is that their claims are based not on reason but on force."
Their fury puts them to their lie.
Wonder why? "The answer to the paradox -- why do PBS partisans who regard themselves as apostles of tolerance and enlightenment resort so easily to intimidation and infantile exertion of will? -- is that their claims are based not on reason but on force."
Their fury puts them to their lie.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Senator Durbin: Did Daniel Pearl receive good treatment...
...from the brethren of the Gitmo detainees? No comment on that. Terry Schiavo was dehydrated to death, a method of execution we won't use on sadistic serial murderers. No comment on that.
Senator Durbin, you, as the vast bulk of your party, have no perspective of the world, no insight to true human struggle and suffering...and yet, you all think you should be in charge.
George Neumayr gets it exactly: "The evil always have a better chance of surviving under the ministrations of liberalism than the ill."
Senator Durbin, you pander to the evil because you know they will do your bidding of killing the good and the weak, so that you may have your perks and privileges of power.
Men of unspeakable barbarity are isolated and locked up at Gitmo. We are safe from them while they are there. The ones turned loose have already been found back at their barbarity against us ("us" = innocents and good people everywhere) and you wet your pants on the Senate floor over the caged babarians A/C. You are the moral equivalent of the Germans down the road from Auschwitz.
Senator Durbin, you, as the vast bulk of your party, have no perspective of the world, no insight to true human struggle and suffering...and yet, you all think you should be in charge.
George Neumayr gets it exactly: "The evil always have a better chance of surviving under the ministrations of liberalism than the ill."
Senator Durbin, you pander to the evil because you know they will do your bidding of killing the good and the weak, so that you may have your perks and privileges of power.
Men of unspeakable barbarity are isolated and locked up at Gitmo. We are safe from them while they are there. The ones turned loose have already been found back at their barbarity against us ("us" = innocents and good people everywhere) and you wet your pants on the Senate floor over the caged babarians A/C. You are the moral equivalent of the Germans down the road from Auschwitz.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Howard Dean is a punk II...
The money quote from someone who knew him "back in the day", while he was a draft-dodging dishwasher: "He was a complete and total loser, and it is coming out more and more,...."
Notice that he reflexively bullies and uses government authority against people he doesn't agree with or who are in the wat of his desires...just what the Founding Fathers were escaping and hoped to have planned against.
The Democrat Party, Face of the New Fascism...see it in their Chairman. Listening to Biden and Edwards in their "he doesn't speak for me" execises in plausible deniability seems like the "ordinary" Germans living down the street from Auschwitz saying "We didn't know what was going on up there."
Notice that he reflexively bullies and uses government authority against people he doesn't agree with or who are in the wat of his desires...just what the Founding Fathers were escaping and hoped to have planned against.
The Democrat Party, Face of the New Fascism...see it in their Chairman. Listening to Biden and Edwards in their "he doesn't speak for me" execises in plausible deniability seems like the "ordinary" Germans living down the street from Auschwitz saying "We didn't know what was going on up there."
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Amnesty International...Corrupt Deceivers
Their corruption and deception is outlined here. May the souls lost in the totalitarian gulags give these deceivers no rest.
W. Mark Felt is a Rat. Big Media says "Praise the Rat...
...and Pass the Cheese." (to quote a friend). There is absolutely nothing heroic about what he did. He was a very small man (little moral character and fortitude) in a very big job (#2 @ FBI) and, like the back alley apparatchik he was/is, he went to back alleys (and garages) to work his nefarity for his purposes...which purposes he is about now. He comes out under cover of being a sick, old man to feed his two purposes; his vanity (smiling and waving at the door, Big Media fawning, etc.) and the money (from Vanity Fair and whatever publisher signs up for his book - from NYT online: "I'll arrange to write a book or something, and collect all the money I can."), which were always "Deep Throat"'s objective ("Take out Nixon, I'll be FBI Director.").
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Democrats + Big Media + Bureaucrat Flex = Genocide
Ben Stein connects the dots. Not at all surprising, as long as they aren't maimed and/or killed (or inconvenienced), they don't mind if you or yours are.